About Us

School Overview

Estab­lished in 1961, Ross Park is the old­est oper­at­ing gov­ern­ment pri­ma­ry school in Alice Springs. Sit­u­at­ed in the Old East­side area of the town with­in large and well-estab­lished, shady grounds. Ross Park School is inclusive, friendly and supportive and parent, student and community feedback is highly valued. Ross Park School wel­comes chil­dren from Tran­si­tion to Year 6. 

Students come from a large variety of cultural backgrounds, all of which add to the richness and diversity of our school community. We continuously value and strengthen our strong links to the local community, through a range of events, opportunities and experiences. 

We take pride in our highly qualified, professional staff. We have an average annual student attendance of over 90% and a high percentage of students who achieve well above national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy. Our emphasis on the creative arts and physical education brings an added dimension to the school. We are recognised in the community for the excellent opportunities provided to students.

Rona Glynn Preschool, in near­by McK­ay St, forms part of the school com­plex, cater­ing for chil­dren turn­ing 4 by June 30th. Two groups attend preschool for 15 hours per week per group.

Enrol­ment in Ross Park is high­ly sought after, and a Pri­or­i­ty Enrol­ment Pol­i­cy is in place. 

Vision, Values and Aims


At Ross Park, together we thrive in safe and supportive learning environments, where high quality practice empowers learners to be Strong, Fair and Kind.


  1. Be Strong
  2. Be Fair
  3. Be Kind


  • To opti­mise the indi­vid­ual poten­tial, cre­ativ­i­ty and aca­d­e­m­ic excel­lence of each stu­dent by pro­mot­ing the effec­tive devel­op­ment and deliv­ery of the curriculum
  • To advo­cate for and over­see the recruit­ment and reten­tion of qual­i­ty school staff
  • To encour­age all mem­bers of the school com­mu­ni­ty to demon­strate the school val­ues in the school and in the wider community
  • To ensure an inclu­sive school learn­ing com­mu­ni­ty through effec­tive part­ner­ships between fam­i­lies, staff, stu­dents and the broad­er community
  • To cre­ate a pos­i­tive and chal­leng­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment that fos­ters self-con­fi­dence, resilience and respon­si­bil­i­ty.

Stu­dents will devel­op a growth mind­set and utilise per­son­al strengths to help them grow and learn. Feed­back is utilised as an essen­tial prac­tice for staff and stu­dents to strength­en under­stand­ing and to iden­ti­fy what they need to do next to improve.

Annual School Improvement Plan

Annual School Improvement Plan

The focus for improvement at Ross Park for 2024 has been developed through the synthesis of a range of data sources and consultation processes.

The focus for Strengthening Instruction will consist of an inquiry cycle into the school’s Instructional Model, with reference to contemporary research into high impact teaching strategies, and excellence in pedagogical practice. This focus will incorporate the teaching models of RWI and Learning Through Doing, and will create a broader understanding and proficiency in high-quality pedagogical practice, and data literacy, consistently across the school. Additional components to this goal will include the development of a highly capable team, to professional learning, targeted intervention, extension and wellbeing strategies implemented systematically across the school.

The Ross Park Engagement focus for improvement will focus on deliberately designing strategies that aim to improve outcomes through the development of On-Country learning initiatives that foster culturally responsive learning environments and invite Indigenous Language and Culture (ILC) as well as the school community’s languages and cultures into the day-to-day delivery of curriculum, strengthening students’ cultural understanding and continuing to improve the future citizens they become, with a focus in three key areas: actions (through intentional curriculum), behaviours (through student perceptions), and relationships (through community connections). 



Annual Reports