Rona Glynn Preschool is part of Ross Park Primary School. At Rona Glynn Early Childhood Teachers and Educators promote holistic approaches to learning and teaching through a play-based program that caters to each individual child while valuing the connection of belonging to a group.
We see children as unique and capable individuals. Our goal is to support children to become enquirers, thinkers, risk takers, listeners, and communicators. To be open minded, accepting, knowledgeable and reflective.
2024 sees the implementation of The Resilience Project Early Years Wellbeing Program at Rona Glynn. To help children feel happier and build resilience, the program is centred around evidence-based principles proven to cultivate positive emotions and positive mental health, Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness & Emotional Literacy. These key focus areas of our early learning program set children up for success as the grow and learn throughout their lives.
The Rona Glynn team believe that we are learners alongside our children. Through respect and trust in one another we build a learning community of ongoing improvement to maintain a team of highly effective educators. Continuous professional learning and connection with our Ross Park colleagues and wider Alice Springs early childhood network enable to us make relevant and meaningful decisions around our children’s learning and development.
We see family as the first and most important teachers of their children. We value collaboration with family and welcome the knowledge that they bring to the Rona Glynn environment. We are fortunate to have many cultures represented at Rona Glynn and we love to celebrate our families. Annual family events such as Harmony Night forge strong connections between home and preschool while celebrating our diverse multiculturism. At Rona Glynn, everyone is valued and respected.
We see children as active participants in the community, as individuals who construct their own identity within the context of their own families, Ross Park Primary School, and the Alice Springs community. Rona Glynn maintains extensive connections with the wider community through engagement in community events such as the Eisteddfod and Bangtail Muster Parade. Our unique Bush Preschool Program sees children learn on Country by immersing themselves in the natural wonder of the Telegraph Station and Simpsons Gap in Tjoritja National Park.
History of Rona Glynn
Rona Glynn Preschool is named after Rona Ellen Glynn, the first Indigenous teacher in Australia. Rona taught at Hartley Street School in Alice Springs from 1952-1954. Later in life, Rona became a midwife and returned to Alice Springs, delivering more than 2000 babies in the Alice Springs Hospital. In 1965, shortly after her death, Rona Glynn Preschool was opened in her honour.
The enrolment policy outlines the practice for accepting enrolments at the preschool and how the process is implemented. It takes into account changes introduced under the Australian Government Initiative, Universal Access, referenced below.
NT Department of Education and Training (DET) Preschool Guidelines state
A child is eligible to begin preschool from the start of the school year if:
- s/he is already 4 years old or
- her/ his 4thbirthday is on or before 30th June of that year.
In the event of there being vacancies later in the year, children may be accepted to begin from the date of their 4th birthday of that year and would continue preschool for the whole of the following year.
Rona Glynn has a capacity for a maximum of 62 students, spread across 2 groups.
Priority Enrolment Criteria
When the number of students on the waiting list exceeds the Preschool’s capacity, the following criteria are used to determine which students will be offered a place:
- the child has a sibling attending Ross Park School
- the family’s home address is in our designated enrolment area (proof of residence may be required)
- age of the child ie. older children on the waiting list have priority.
The final decision about the offering of positions at Rona Glynn Preschool when the waiting list exceeds the number of places, rests with the Principal of Ross Park Primary School.
Enrolment Expressions of Interest List
Families with children turning 4 should contact the preschool to place their child’s name on the preliminary Expression of Interest list. While this gives the preschool an indication of the children who are possible enrolments, it is not a guarantee of a place.
Enrolment Confirmation
During Term 3, families who have placed their name on the Expression of Interest list and who meet the criteria will be contacted in writing and offered a place for the following school year. Families need to complete the NT DET enrolment form in order to confirm their acceptance. Where possible, families are offered a choice of group for their child. Parents are asked to contribute $280 per year which can be paid to the preschool or through the school. Bank details are as follows:
Where there are too many children on the Expression of Interest list, those families who do not meet the criteria will be notified that they are not able to be enrolled and will be advised to contact other preschools. Thes students may remain on the Expression of Interest list in case of a vacancy.
The learning program at Rona Glynn Preschool is designed using the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLFv2.0) Australia’s national Early Years Framework used cohesively alongside the NT Preschool Curriculum v2. Both were developed to assist educators to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning. It has a strong emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language (including literacy and numeracy) and social-emotional development.
Fundamental to the Framework is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming.
Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.
Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’- time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become.
The Frameworks put children’s learning at the core and comprises three inter-related elements: Principals, Practice and Learning Outcomes.
Session Times
Monday/ Tuesday (Bilbies/ Aherte group)
Hours of attendance are:
Monday 8am-3.30pm
Tuesday 8am- 3.30pm
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday (Echidnas/ Inelange Group)
Wednesday 8.30am- 2.45pm
Thursday 8.30am- 2.45pm
Friday 8.30am- 11am
Preschool Handbook
Transitioning to School
Children who turn 4 years old on or before June 30th will usually complete one year of preschool and move into Transition at school after this. In some cases, students will complete a second year of preschool. Decisions around this are made by the family with input from Preschool and School staff. Children who turn 4 after June 30th will continue in preschool for another full year and commence Transition at the beginning of the year after that.
The vast majority of children who complete Rona Glynn’s preschool program continue on to Ross Park’s Transition classrooms. For a number of years, the demand for enrolments at Ross Park has necessitated the implementation of a Priority Enrolment Policy. This is due to Ross Park Primary School being at capacity for the classroom space available. This policy guarantees entry to students living within our Priority Enrolment Area and allows others to enrol, subject to capacity, special circumstances and/ or School Council consideration.
You are eligible to enrol your child at Ross Park Primary School when:
- two forms of proof of residence within our Priority Enrolment Area are provided or
- your child’s siblings attend the school
The Principal, in consultation with Ross Park School Council, has discretion for enrolments outside of these situations under the special considerations within the policy.
A map of Ross Park’s Priority Enrolment Area is available in the school office and on the website: Alice Springs Primary Schools Priority Enrolment Maps – Google My Maps
If you would like to discuss enrolment at Rona Glynn Preschool, please contact Sarah George, Teacher In Charge of Rona Glynn Preschool, to add your child’s name to the Expression of Interest list.
Rona Glynn Preschool
2a McKay Street Alice Springs NT 0870
t: (08)89521792
Working together with Ross Park Primary School