What’s Happening in Classrooms

Our Facebook page shows much of what is happening in our classrooms and playgrounds day to day. Families enjoy seeing what their children are doing ‘live and in the moment’. There are many experiences on offer at Ross Park, showcased through the images and examples of learning here.

Year 5 students investigating how to make 3-D shapes out of a piece of string. The one rule was that everyone in the group must be holding the string. 

Ross Park Smartboard installation is rapidly happening in all classrooms at the beginning of 2024. Teachers are very excited to be experimenting with the latest technology and are taking to it like ducks to water.

Learning about the our school value of Being Strong. There is a lot of discussion and regular stories to illustrate the problems we have as human beings as well as strategies to solve them. 


There is a lot of innovative learning happening in Junior school. This lesson with a parachute just looks like active fun! The children were learning about the importance of listening to instructions and they all did a great job.


A lesson on listening to instructions and working together as a team. We value the so called ‘soft-skills’ as much as the academic skills because without them, we struggle as people to be the best we can be.