All teachers will provide their email address on every letter, newsletter or excursion form that comes home to you. Come and see us at school if you can’t access the email address you need.
Teachers also use Seesaw, an app that works much like Messenger but can only be accessed by people who have been given a QR code. Sometimes classroom teachers send a message on Seesaw that is for the whole class or, at times, a private message is sent to individual families.
We love seeing you at school and quickly checking in with you but please consider that if you need time for more than a brief chat, teachers are very busy before school starts and directly afterwards so it is best to email or ask for an appointment time that suits you both. The morning routine in a classroom is a vital ingredient for a successful day and our teachers like to focus entirely on the children as they arrive so will be unable to talk at length with you at this time. If there is an urgent matter that you wish to discuss, members of the leadership team are available to speak to if this is needed. Remember though, your child’s teacher knows them best and they are the preferred first contact in most instances.