School Captains
Ross Park Primary School Captains play a pivotal role in fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. Serving as role models for their peers, they embody leadership qualities, demonstrate the school values of Strong, Fair and Kind, and act as liaisons between students and teachers. School Captains contribute to the overall development of their fellow students by encouraging teamwork, promoting school spirit and academic excellence, and addressing concerns that may arise within the student body. They encourage and support fellow leaders in other fields and work directly with the leadership team with the focus of school improvement and student voice.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Mission Statement
As members of the Student Representative Council, we aim to be role models for all students, lead the student voice within the school by representing the student body and to demonstrate the Ross Park School values.
The SRC is made up of representatives from Years 3 — 6. Children are elected for six months to a year and receive a badge to wear at school. The SRC is involved in many school activities — greeting guests, helping in School Council decision making, organising social events, advising the principal on issues, raising funds for worthy causes, school improvement projects and much more. It is an excellent experience in responsibility, leadership and citizenship for students.
Eco Rangers
Mission Statement
As Eco Rangers we aim to make a difference to the Ross Park School Community by showing other students that we all can contribute to the sustainability of our environment. By being aware of how our actions can impact nature, we can take care of it and enjoy it for many years to come.
The Eco Rangers consists of 12 – 14 students from Years 3 – 6. This group of students meets once a week to work on projects which are in line with the mission statement and reflect other activities and events in the school, as well as our school values. An example of this is the Eco Rangers having a Mother’s Day stall where students could make their mother’s a gift using eco-friendly and repurposed products.
To become an Eco Ranger, students go through an election process and are chosen by their peers and facilitating teachers.
House Leaders
Mission Statement
School leaders commit to a year of service to the school, exemplifying the school values and expectations of behaviour, uniform, work ethic and responsibility. School leaders care for all members of the school community and aim to create a safe and inclusive atmosphere for all to thrive and grow.
Year 6 students self-nominate and are elected by their Year 3 – 6 peers in their house groups and staff through a formal voting process. The number of team leaders per house team varies each year, dependent on the number of nominees and student enrolment numbers across the school.
The roles and responsibilities of Team Leaders are to:
- uphold the values of Ross Park and to be role models to other students
- organise and run lunchtime games on a regular basis
- take responsibility for running and organisation of houses at Athletics and Swimming Carnival
- host and organise special sporting events e.g. teacher vs student sports
- lead House meetings leading up to major/special events
- assist programs in Junior school e.g. running fitness activities, Jnr Wet n Wild day etc
Library Monitors
Mission Statement
As preparation for School Leadership opportunities in Year 6 and to celebrate and recognise a passion for literature, a Library Monitor aims to make the library a welcoming and friendly space where books are celebrated and managed.
To become a Library Monitor, students in Year 5 self-nominate and write a letter of application. They go through an interview process and are chosen by library and leadership staff to serve for a year.