
Due to the high enrol­ment num­bers and lim­it­ed class­room spaces, pri­or­i­ty is giv­en to fam­i­lies who live in our pri­or­i­ty enrol­ment zone or already have a sib­ling at the school. There must be con­fir­ma­tion of a cur­rent res­i­den­tial address in the form of a util­i­ties bill or lease agree­ment. Fam­i­lies enrolling their child are required to meet with the prin­ci­pal and com­plete an enrol­ment form online. The school requires a min­i­mum of 24 hours to process each enrol­ment, so new stu­dents attend school one or two days after enrolling. The online enrol­ment pro­ce­dure is detailed on the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion web­site https://enrol.ntschools.net/. Pri­or­i­ty enrol­ment infor­ma­tion for Ross Park Pri­ma­ry and Rona Glynn Preschool is outlined in our Family Handbook. Priority enrolment zones are outlined here:  Alice Springs Primary Schools Priority Enrolment Maps – Google My Maps

Family Handbook

Click here to open the Family Handbook in a new tab. 


School Uniform

Schools are required to offer unisex uniform options for all students available as everyday wear. School uniforms are mandatory in all Territory schools. The following items must be worn as part of a school uniform.:

  • Ross Park School shirt
  • Ross Park School hat – with a brim
  • Ross Park School dress
  • Ross Park Jacket or Hoodie
  • Navy blue or black ONLY – Shorts/long pants/skirt/skort/leggings/tights
  • Year 6 students wear a special polo shirt that students have co-designed
  • Ross Park School Hoodie

The following optional items may be worn as part of a school uniform in colder months of the year:

  • A jumper/jacket – Navy blue ONLY with no logos or insignias

For health and safety reasons, shoes should be enclosed.

The NT Government issues Back to School vouchers valued at $200.00 per student. At Ross Park, this can be used for the purchase of school uniforms, as well as other school essentials. New shirts were introduced in 2023 with the modernised logo, older designs can still be worn and are sold at a reduced cost. Donations of second-hand uniforms are welcome. Please note that parents may be contacted to review the attire of students if deemed to be inappropriate for school.



It is a requirement of the school that children wear sun safe hats at all times when they are outdoors. This includes coming to and from school. Ross Park hats are available from the front office, or any bucket hat can be worn. Children without approved hats will be confined to undercover areas during play sessions. Caps do not meet the sun safe guidelines. Ross Park School follows the recommendations of the Northern Territory Cancer Council.


Back to School and Sports vouchers

Back to School voucher

The NT Gov­ern­ment issues Back to School cred­it of $200.00 per stu­dent. At Ross Park, this can be put towards uniforms, subscriptions, resources, excursions/incursions, camps and graduation.

Back to School Payment Scheme | NT.GOV.AU

Sports vouch­er

Stu­dents are pro­vid­ed twice a year with Sports Vouch­ers that can sup­port the costs of par­tic­i­pat­ing in par­tic­u­lar sport­ing activ­i­ties. Online appli­ca­tions should be sent to: 

Sport voucher – NT Government – Sports voucher

School Council

The School Council is comprised of an elected body of eleven parents and five teachers, the School Principal (ex officio), School Business Manager, Council Secretary and up to two invited members. The Council supports and promotes the school in accordance with its philosophy and constitution. The School Council contributes to the management of school finances and school property, and supports strategic planning and school direction, as well as involving parents in school events wherever possible. The Council AGM is held in March. Parents meet to elect approximately half their Council members for a two-year term. Active parent participation is essential to the development of the school. The Council Chairperson is elected from the parent councillors for a term of two years. Subcommittees operate within Council on a needs basis and report to Council. If you are interested and can help in any of the subcommittees, it is not necessary to be a member of School Council to join a subcommittee. During school terms, the Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 pm in the staffroom. Virtual access is also available via an email link invitation. All parents are welcome to attend Council meetings.

After School and Holiday Care

Lil’ Antz provides After School Care and Vacation Care to students at Ross Park Primary School. Care is provided on site by qualified staff. For enrolment information please contact: HOME | lilantzchildcare

Contact: 0889530015


Par­ent tips (FAQ)

The school office hours are 8.00am to 4.00pm Mon­day to Friday.

School com­mences at 8:30 a.m.

Recess com­mences at 10:30 a.m.

Lunch com­mences at 12:40 p.m.

School con­cludes at 2:50 p.m.

We have sev­er­al times a day that we eat, recess is at 10.30am, Lunch at 12.40pm. All teach­ers give stu­dents time in the morn­ing to eat their ​‘brain food’ in Les­son 1 before 10am. Brain food is fruit or veg­eta­bles packed with stu­dents recess and lunch.

If you child requires med­ica­tion dur­ing the school day you will need to bring it to the atten­tion of the front office with dosages and times required. A form will need to be signed for staff to administer. 

You will need to attend to the front office and sign your child out of school if you need to take your child to an appoint­ment. If your child is late to school, they will need to attend to the front office to get a slip to hand to the teach­ers and sign in as well.

Please advise the front office that your child will be absent from school and why. You may ring the office on 8955 2000, email to rosspark.​school@​education.​nt.​gov.​au, or via text mes­sage to 0481 191 388.

We have school uni­forms avail­able for pur­chase at the front office and we also have some sec­ond-hand cloth­ing. The school uni­form is a school shirt and navy shorts or pants; we also have a school dress avail­able. There are Ross Park School hoodies for warmth in winter, or a plain navy-blue jumper will suffice. Full brimmed hats or buck­et hats can also be pur­chased. No caps are permitted. 

We are always look­ing for par­ent helpers in the class­room. Please talk to the class­room teacher to nego­ti­ate most appro­pri­ate days and time to help out. Some­times there are also tasks that can be done at home too. We also welcome family members on excursions and camps throughout the year. 

We rec­om­mend talk­ing through your con­cerns with the class­room teacher as soon as reasonable. We have an extensive Inclusion team, who are here to help you through any concerns, and work with families to support all students to achieve their best. 

The can­teen is open from 8.00am to 1.15pm on Thurs­days only.  Please check the Fam­i­lies tab with more infor­ma­tion on the school canteen.

The school rec­om­mends park­ing at the soc­cer carpark and walk­ing into the school. We do have a “Kiss and Go” that is in at front of the school on Win­necke Avenue. The “Kiss and Go” can get very congested, particularly in the afternoons, so if it is possible to walk across the oval, this is the least congested area of the school. Please refrain from parking on the verge or on any yellow lines, as this presents a danger to students and staff at pick up time. 

Yes, there is a school coun­cil and any­one can come to the meet­ings. The school coun­cil meets on the third Mon­day of each month at 5:00pm eight times a year. Please talk to the front office staff for more information.

Yes, the school has a Pri­or­i­ty Enrol­ment Plan in place and the map can be found on the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion web­site. This means we can only accept enrol­ments of fam­i­lies who live in the zone, except when there are extenuating circumstances.

Alice Springs Primary Schools Priority Enrolment Maps – Google My Maps

Yes, we have a school newslet­ter that is uploaded to the Fam­i­lies Tab every fort­night by Fri­day afternoon.

The Chief Min­is­ter’s Read­ing Chal­lenge encour­ages stu­dents to read more books for plea­sure during August each year and more information will come home from class teachers as the date gets nearer.