School Council

The School Council is comprised of an elected body of eleven parents and five teachers, the School Principal (ex officio), School Business Manager, Council Secretary and up to two invited members. The Council supports and promotes the school in accordance with its philosophy and constitution. The School Council contributes to the management of school finances and school property, and supports strategic planning and school direction, as well as involving parents in school events wherever possible. The Council AGM is held in March. Parents meet to elect approximately half their Council members for a two-year term. Active parent participation is essential to the development of the school. The Council Chairperson is elected from the parent councillors for a term of two years. Subcommittees operate within Council on a needs basis and report to Council. If you are interested and can help in any of the subcommittees, it is not necessary to be a member of School Council to join a subcommittee. During school terms, the Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 5:00pm in the staffroom. Virtual access is also available via an email link invitation. All parents are welcome to attend Council meetings.