Established in 1961, Ross Park is the oldest operating government primary school in Alice Springs. Situated in the Old Eastside area of the town within large and well-established, shady grounds. Ross Park School is inclusive, friendly and supportive and parent, student and community feedback is highly valued. Ross Park School welcomes children from Transition to Year 6.
Students come from a large variety of cultural backgrounds, all of which add to the richness and diversity of our school community. We continuously value and strengthen our strong links to the local community, through a range of events, opportunities and experiences.
We take pride in our highly qualified, professional staff. We have an average annual student attendance of over 90% and a high percentage of students who achieve well above national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy. Our emphasis on the creative arts and physical education brings an added dimension to the school. We are recognised in the community for the excellent opportunities provided to students.
Rona Glynn Preschool, in nearby McKay St, forms part of the school complex, catering for children turning 4 by June 30th. Two groups attend preschool for 15 hours per week per group.
Enrolment in Ross Park is highly sought after, and a Priority Enrolment Policy is in place.