
Due to the high enrol­ment num­bers and lim­it­ed class­room spaces, pri­or­i­ty is giv­en to fam­i­lies who live in our pri­or­i­ty enrol­ment zone or already have a sib­ling at the school. There must be con­fir­ma­tion of a cur­rent res­i­den­tial address in the form of a util­i­ties bill or lease agree­ment. Fam­i­lies enrolling their child are required to meet with the prin­ci­pal and com­plete an enrol­ment form online. The school requires a min­i­mum of 24 hours to process each enrol­ment, so new stu­dents attend school one or two days after enrolling. The online enrol­ment pro­ce­dure is detailed on the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion web­site https://enrol.ntschools.net/. Pri­or­i­ty enrol­ment infor­ma­tion for Ross Park Pri­ma­ry and Rona Glynn Preschool is outlined in our Family Handbook. Priority enrolment zones are outlined here:  Alice Springs Primary Schools Priority Enrolment Maps – Google My Maps