Arts Opportunities

The Arts at Ross Park

At Ross Park The Arts are predominantly taught across the school by a specialist Arts teacher who engages students in four of the subjects in the ACARA curriculum as follows:

Semes­ter 1 — Music and Dance

Semes­ter 2 — Drama and Media Arts

The fifth discipline, Visu­al Arts, is taught and assessed by the class­room teacher. Elements of Music, Dance, Drama and Media Arts are represented in the classroom also but the carriage of curriculum delivery and assessment is taken by the Arts teachers.

There are two ‘opt-in’ choirs at Ross Park; a junior choir made up of Year 3 and 4 stu­dents, and a senior choir made up of Year 5 and 6 stu­dents. Rehearsals are held in class time once per week. The choirs reg­u­lar­ly per­form to the school com­mu­ni­ty in the fort­night­ly assem­bly. They also per­form to the wider com­mu­ni­ty in events such as the Cen­tralian Eisteddfod, Desert Song Fes­ti­val and the Todd Mall Markets.


NT Music School

NT Music School is a government (public) school within the NT Department of Education. Our mission is to provide instrumental, ensemble and choral tuition, music education services, support, events and programs to government schools throughout the NT.  Instrumental lessons are offered during school hours for students in Year 4- 9 on flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar, trumpet, trombone and percussion. Lessons are free with a $100 contribution requested on placement in the program. Instrument hire from $100 available through NT Music School. Sports Vouchers accepted to assist with cost of hiring instruments. Choir is by audition only and rehearsals are held after school.

Ross Park Concert Band

Ross Park Concert Band was formed in 2023 and is growing before our eyes with some very talented musicians. Rehearsals are at Ross Park on Tuesday mornings at 7.30am and are run by Matthew Owen from the NT Music School. Students will be invited to participate when the music teachers feel they are ready to do so.


The Cen­tralian Eisteddfod Coun­cil encour­ages tal­ent with­in our com­mu­ni­ty. The Eisteddfod is a plat­form where performers are nurtured to grow­ in con­fi­dence and are pro­vides with informed, con­struc­tive feed­back from experienced adjudicators. The Cen­tralian Eisteddfod is designed to encour­age par­tic­i­pa­tion, to inspire and to recog­nise excel­lence and to present new chal­lenges each year. The Eisteddfod Coun­cil believes that this will pro­mote the cre­ative and per­form­ing arts, nur­tur­ing aware­ness and appreciation. 

Each year Ross Park has numerous class, group and individual entries ranging from choral or prepared readings, scripted performances, choir performances or singing as a soloist. Students who participate grow immeasurably in confidence and enjoy the process of choosing, practising and committing to a performance with all that entails. Their faces glow with pride when they have achieved performing on a stage and seen the outcome of months of hard work and preparation.

NT Music School Per­for­mance – The Beat

The Alice Beat Fes­ti­val is the NT Depart­ment of Education’s annu­al per­form­ing arts show­case held at Aralu­en The­atre. Per­for­mances fea­ture pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary stu­dents from schools across the Alice Springs and Bark­ly regions. Ross Park stu­dents can be involved in var­i­ous ways, includ­ing being a part of the massed choir, as a host, a vocal soloist, or as an instru­men­tal­ist in one of the NT Music School’s ensembles.